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Book My Free P.E Demo Lesson (Duplicated)

How Our Free P.E Demo Lessons Work

Our Demo lessons see our founders, Chris and Reece, visit schools to deliver inclusive, energetic and exciting P.E. lessons to showcase the level of delivery we expect from our specialised P.E. team.

Let's Leap P.E. staff:

  • Deliver inclusive, engaging and cross-curricular lessons. 
  • Develop physical literacy and pupil well-being. 
  • Support pupils of all abilities and ensure all pupils make progress. 
  • Raise the profile of P.E. and school sports beyond the curriculum. 

Our Services 

In addition to your free P.E. demo lesson, if you'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss the following services at your school, Chris and Reece will be happy to discuss your requirements when visiting your school.

  • Inclusive P.E. Lessons
  • Reliable Wraparound Provision
  • Active Holiday Camps
  • Lunchtime & After School Clubs

Free P.E. Demo Lesson 

(Fill in the form below to request your free P.E. demo lesson)